BombRats – Looking for Players [EN]
[PC][EU][BF2042] Looking for Germany/Swiss/Austria fans of realistic/Hardcore mode
We are a German/Sqitzerlan/Austria team and we LOVE to play Battlefield in Hardcore mode. We focus on Team play: coordinated advance, coordinated classes (e.g. resupply + 2x Anti-Air) etcWe would love to see you on our Discord: https://discord.gg/N3ugw4mE . BF2042 in hardcore mode means:
- Class based (Only medics can heal/revive, no self-healing + only engineers can repair vehicles)
- Maps are „on-foot-friendly“, so all maps are in the map rotation
- Friendly fire is on, less bullets needed (as in the original BF3 hardcore mode)
- No grabbling hook (so all players can reach the same spots), no Paik specialist (no „wall hack“)
We are D-A-CH based. We speak German most of the time. We are aged between 18 and 50, all of us have a job, most have a family, so main game times are early evening to midnight.